Suitable for low sugar liquid product, extract, liquid tea and mixed drinks
PP, glass bottle, PS / 4 surface pouch, bottle, ample
4 surface package(20ml~100ml), bottle(100ml~1,00ml), ample(20ml)
Output: 30,000~40,000 pouch/ day, 3,000~5,000 bottle / day, 15,000 ~ 20,000 ample / day
Suitable for high resolution extract material such as red ginseng extract and balloon flower extract
Glass bottle / bottle package
3,000 ~5,000 bottle / day
Suitable for package of material with large one amount of intake
PET, PS/ Bottle
3,000~5,000 bottles / day
Regular powder, S/D powderSuitable for package of material that’s hard to intake as powder such as medicinal herb powder and red ginseng powder
PP, PE, PS/ Bottle , stick
4 pi
300kg / day
Tea that adds glucose into extracts such as ginseng tea or red ginseng tea
PP/ stick package, 3 surface package
150kg / day
Preferred package method for its portability and available for various types such as powder, granule and pill etc.
150,000~200,000 bag/ day
Width 25mm x length is adjustable, 1 shape cutting